Rum Salt Water Taffy - 2.5lb

  • $23.99
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Get these Rum Salt Water Taffy candies to liven up an event or spice up your everyday life. These treats are the kind of rum you can actually have at work, so share them with your co-workers and enjoy them during a break, allowing the flavor to take you away on an island adventure.And of course, these fun rum candies make perfect party favors, so be sure to give them to all of your guests. These festive candies have the stretchy and chewy taffy consistency that is a pleasure to savor.Plus, the taffy texture will bring you back to a childhood by the shore. This variety comes with the bold taste of rum mixed with the sweet taste of candy for an extraordinary flavor full of excitement. Even the look is exciting with a swirl of red and yellow that will draw the eye and brighten up any gathering.

SKU: ND-28155

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