Royal Blue Sixlets - Bulk 12lb

Royal Blue Sixlets - Bulk 12lb
  • $82.99
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Royal Blue Sixlets are candies that can get by purely on their good looks, but their delightfulness is more than skin deep.The rich color of these candies will attract a lot of attention at any event you are planning. Their name is fitting because they really do look like they are fit for royalty. Pour them in an elegant candy dish at a black tie event or use them to dress up a cake, cupcakes, or an ice-cream sundae.The perfect blend of cocoa and carob, Royal Blue Sixlets has a creamy, decadent center with a hard candy shell. Their malty flavor is a nice change from the chocolate your taste buds are used to eating. Royal Blue Sixlets are perfect paired with fresh red berries on white cake for a Fourth of July celebration.Since they are small and light, they aren't heavy in your stomach, so you can serve them without worrying that your guests are ruining their appetite. They are also kosher-certified and a popular choice for a Bat Mitzvah.

SKU: ND-30884

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