Sour Patch Kids - 5lb Bulk

  • $28.99

This is one sour clique that you'll want to be a part of. That's because these Sour Patch Kids are some of the tastiest, sourest, and sweetest characters on the block. You'll be initiated to the group if you can handle the pucker pour of the tart sugar that covers this sweet gummy.But once you're in, you'll be able to go back for more at your own will and enjoy this taste bud thrilling candy whenever you please. If you have a picnic coming up, these are a great addition to a lemonade or punch to amp up the tart flavor and give guests a chewy treat to enjoy. They also are great to package in individual baggies and dish out as party favors. And if you just can't decide if you have a sweet or sour tooth, these candies will do the trick. In a five pound bag with about 170 pieces per pound, you'll have a lot of puckering ahead.

SKU: ND-604

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