Sour Patch Watermelon - 2oz Bags 24ct

Sour Patch Watermelon - 2oz Bags 24ct
  • $54.99
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Sour Patch watermelon candies are both sweet and sour. Enjoy this bulk package, featuring 24 mini individually-wrapped bags. Each Sour Patch watermelon candy starts sour and ends up sweet.

Enjoy this mouth-watering, delightfully fruity candy on your tongue. Our 24-count bulk Sour Patch watermelon candies are the perfect choice for Halloween, children's parties and classrooms. Keep your favorite fruity candy on hand for sweet-tooth emergencies.

Sour Patch watermelons are a favorite among adults and children alike. Purchase a 24-count package of wrapped mini Sour Patch watermelon candies. This bulk candy is delicious and tangy, a true customer favorite.

Teachers will love this affordable candy option for classroom games and special occasions. Watermelon Sour Patch kids are an affordable Halloween favorite. Find the tastiest candies of today and yesterday in affordable bulk packages. Snack on these sweet and sour watermelon Sour Patch gummies, available with plenty to share at Candy Direct.

SKU: ND-30833

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