Chocolate Sunflower Seeds Candy - Baby Blue 5lb

  • $37.99
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Who can resist the exceptional nutty flavor of sunflower seeds made even more delicious with a chocolate candy coating? These delectable Baby Blue Chocolate Sunflower Seeds candies are packed with flavor, and the high-oleic seeds feature a gorgeous light blue color. Wrapped in cocoa and then finished with their shiny blue coating, you'll find an array of uses for these decadent little treats.Pour mounds of these candies into crystal or glass candy dishes and place them on guest tables at a special event such as a baby shower, wedding reception, bridal shower, engagement party, or other celebration to add a sensational burst of color to your decor. Or if you are trying to invent a fun game for your event, fill a jar full of these tiny gems and ask everyone to guess how many sunflower seeds there are. You can offer a fun prize to the guest who comes closest to the right answer or even offer the jar of candy as the prize! Either way, these tasty candies will add a fun dose of entertainment to your event.

Avoid melting. Free ice packs with expedited shipping. More info

SKU: 3023878

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