Chocolate Sunflower Seeds Candy - Dark Blue 5lb

  • $37.99
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Dark blue chocolate sunflower seeds are both tasty and beautiful! If you love a bit of personality with your candy, this is a great choice! Seeds are a healthy alternative to most confections.While these seed candies still contain sugar, they still offer a lighter, better treat that's just as irresistible! If you love chocolate and sunflower seeds, then you'll be amazed by the mouthwatering goodness of the two combined!Our bulk chocolate sunflower seeds start with a fresh, whole sunflower seed. Each is covered in a satin layer of chocolate. That's topped with a thin candy shell, much like an M&M. This version features a solid dark blue hue that's absolutely captivating. Our solid color sunflower seeds are perfect for businesses and schools who want a tasty treat that matches their logo or colors. Blue chocolate covered sunflower seeds are also perfect for wedding favors, shower favors and treat bags!

Avoid melting. Free ice packs with expedited shipping. More info

SKU: 3023869

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