Chocolate Sunflower Seeds Candy - Dark Purple 5lb

Chocolate Sunflower Seeds Candy - Dark Purple 5lb
  • $37.99

Dark purple chocolate sunflower seeds are a great way to make your day even tastier! These unique confections are sure to satisfy sweet cravings and hunger pangs. Seeds are healthier than most sugary ingredients.While these still contain some sugar, they make a better alternative to snacks that are a purely saccharine dessert. As if that wasn't enough, the charming purple color adds even more mouthwatering appeal! Each piece includes a whole sunflower seed that's wrapped in a coating of quality chocolate.A hard candy shell is added to the outside to produce that deep, even purple hue and gorgeous shine. Our bulk purple chocolate sunflower seeds are also great for events! Add them to tulle bags to use as wedding favors or pour into an elegant candy dish to place on tables at showers, holiday gatherings and other events. Combine with our other bulk chocolate sunflower seed colors to create a gorgeous custom mix for any occasion!

Avoid melting. Free ice packs with expedited shipping. More info

SKU: 3023877

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