Chocolate Sunflower Seeds Candy - Red 5lb

  • $51.99

Red Chocolate Sunflower Seeds Candy treats are perfect to add to candy dishes around Christmas, or pour them in canning jars, tie a ribbon around then, and give them to everyone for Valentine's Day. You don't need a special occasion to indulge though. Add some to a bowl and snack away.At first glance, these vibrant red treats look like hot cinnamon candies. However, when you pop a few in your mouth, your taste buds are pleasantly surprised by a decadent reward of sweet chocolate.These Chocolate Sunflower Seeds Candy treats are sure to satisfy a sweet craving. Candy coated peanuts are popular at events, but with so many nut allergies they are not always the best option, unless you know the medical history of every guest. These cocoa-covered candies are made with high-oleic sunflower seeds. You may not know that high-oleic means the seeds themselves have no trans-fat.

Avoid melting. Free ice packs with expedited shipping. More info

SKU: ND-24244

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