Tootsie Pops - 6.5lb Bulk

Tootsie Pops - 6.5lb Bulk
  • $46.99

Everyone loves the sweet taste of Tootsie Pops! This classic candy has been enjoyed by children (and adults) for decades. The very first version was introduced in 1931 by the Sweets of American Company.The company name changed in 1969 to the familiar Tootsie Roll Industries that most people recognize today. This delicious confection is also the inspiration behind the famous owl commercial which debuted in the United States in 1969. Our bulk Tootsie Pops come in a huge variety of mouthwatering flavors.Tempt your taste buds with popular favorites like cherry, raspberry, orange, strawberry and chocolate. Each lollipop is individually wrapped in brilliant colors. Tootsie Pops are a popular choice for holidays and birthday parties.Add them to treat bags or give them out as prizes at school activities and community events. Each lolly consists of a chewy piece of Tootsie Roll candy surrounded by a hard candy shell.

SKU: ND-636

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