Teddy Bear Twinkle Pops - 120ct

  • $50.99

Enjoy gourmet lollipops with a fun teddy bear look! These adorable little candies-on-a-stick are great for any occasion. Give kids a playful treat in their birthday party favors or place a handful in a decorative jar or vase to set out at parties and picnics.Young and old alike will absolutely love tasting the sweet flavors of each colorful teddy bear lollipop! Many vibrant hues are included in each bulk teddy bear Twinkle pop pack. Enjoy blue, purple, orange, pink, green, yellow or red! The rainbow of colors makes each bulk lollipop order versatile for any purpose or event.Keep them at home as a quick after school snack or use them to sweeten gifts and more! Our teddy bear lollipops always arrive tasting fresh and ready to enjoy! These unique treats are cute as a button and include a popular shape that everyone can recognize. Combine our teddy lollipops with gummy bears for an ursine themed party!

SKU: C101258

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