Rainbow Whirly Pops - 6oz 36ct

Rainbow Whirly Pops - 6oz 36ct
  • $212.99

Popular at amusement parts and carnivals, these Rainbow Whirly Pops have a wide rainbow swirl of fruit flavors and colors on top of a long lollipop stick. Include these at your child's next birthday party and watch every kid's eyes light up when offered one of these famously popular treats.Every lick is fruity and delicious, and as the lollipop is licked clean and gets thinner and thinner, they can munch on the crunchy candy that remains. These classic lollipops will add to the carnival atmosphere of your festivities and in addition to birthday parties, they are great for school fairs, baby showers, and holiday parties. Make a candy bouquet by filling a vase with these Rainbow Whirly Pops to resemble a floral arrangement and place your creation alongside your dessert table or in the center of each guest table. Or simply offer every guest their own lollipop as a whimsical reminder of all the fun they've had at your party.

SKU: ND-AB70025

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