Daisy Twinkle Pops - 120ct

  • $47.99

Daisy Twinkle Pops are full of brilliant color and sweet taste! These charming lollipops include two brilliant colors per blossom. Each features a different combination to give the entire package a lovely rainbow effect that looks even better with that hard candy shine.Enjoy a red, blue, orange, green, purple or yellow blossom with contrasting centers. Each Daisy Twinkle Pop includes a thin disposable stick so hands stay clean while you enjoy your favorite confection! Our Twinkle Pops are an excellent choice for lollipop bouquets and gifts.Give a bouquet of edible daisy candies or combine with our other Tinkle Pop varieties to build a custom lollipop bouquet that's customized to the occasion. Use them as inexpensive party favors by tying on a ribbon and tag or prop them upright in a flower vase to set on tables as edible decor. There are so many ways to use our delicious bulk Daisy Twinkle Pops!

SKU: C101257

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