White Chocolate Chips 4000ct - 25lb

White Chocolate Chips 4000ct - 25lb
  • $179.99

Batten down the hatches! We have enough White Chocolate Chips to send a candy storm your way and cover your candy dishes and baked goods in a layer of creamy, white chocolate for snack times to come!With this bulk count of white chocolate chips, you'll be able to bake and snack until your heart is content! Throw a couple handfuls into a classic cookie recipe to make it your own, put some into a bag of trail mix for a tasty surprise, even melt some of these and coat pretzels or sprinkle some on the top of an ice cream sundae or birthday cake to make it all the more delicious and special. You won't run out of ways to enjoy thousands of these little morsels.

Avoid melting. Free ice packs with expedited shipping. More info

SKU: 3021667

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