Green Apple Jelly Belly - 10lb Jelly Beans

  • $89.99

Jelly beans has elevated to a new level of gourmet candy with the Green Apple Jelly Belly. These green apple-flavored jelly beans are a great mouth-watering treat for you and your friends as if you are eating the fruit itself.These are great for parties, holidays, get-togethers and daily gathering of the family. It is a treat for everyone who loves to munch fruit-flavored treats. These fabulous jelly beans are great for kids because they are healthy and delicious.You are sure that your kids will enjoy these candies that are a hundred percent nutritious. The Green Apple Jelly Belly comes in a tie-top bag that contains ten pounds of these fabulous jelly beans. Just like all the other jelly beans, this one is vegetarian-friendly as it is made from real apple juice concentrate.Green apple is one of the top five jelly bean flavors of all time that is why it will surely be a hit if served in parties. So grab a few of these candies if you crave for a taste of delicious fruit-flavored jelly beans.

SKU: ND-G52822

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