Sour Apple Big League Chew - 12ct

  • $30.99

Every baseball player or fan will love chewing on this Sour Apple Big League Chew. You can pretend you're a real professional ball player chewing gum on the field.This gum comes in a sweet and tangy sour apple flavor that will stimulate your senses. It comes in shreds that are packaged separately, so you can save some for later or share with your friends. Since this bubble gum comes in separate packages and has a fun theme, it makes a wonderful giveaway.Choose this candy as favors for a sports-themed party or treats for a baseball team to chew during or after a big game. Kids who love baseball will want these for their next birthday parties, no matter whether the guests enjoy the gum during the event or it becomes a fun favor to give away at the end. Get into the mindset of a pro player with this delicious and chewy gum!

SKU: ND-8204

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