Caramel Apple Taffy - 3lb Bulk

Caramel Apple Taffy - 3lb Bulk
  • $23.99

Caramel apples are one of the quintessential treats of the fall season. These Caramel Apple Taffy candies bring you that flavor with the crisp and refreshing taste of a green apple covered in sweet and luscious caramel.These even provide the chewy texture you would get in the caramel and that you love in a taffy. Plus, you can enjoy these treats any time of year, not just in the fall! You can see these adorable treats through the transparent wax wrappers, so they add decoration as well as flavor to any event.Each one comes with a green center to signify the apple with a light brown border for the caramel. Put them on a platter and share them at fall parties. Bring them to share with your friends at fall events like Halloween parties, harvest festivals and hayrides.Give them to trick-or-treaters and to your party guests as favors. These provide the perfect flavor of the season, but they're also a welcome treat any month of the year.

SKU: ND-25203

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