Gimbals Green Apple Jelly Beans - 10lb

Gimbals Green Apple Jelly Beans - 10lb
  • $55.99

It's hard to beat the sour-sweet flavor of Gimbals Green Apple Jelly Beans. With their medium green hue, hard candy exterior, and soft, chewy jelly bean center, they're full of such a tasty green apple flavor that they'll make your mouth water the moment you see them.Get ready for St. Patrick's Day with an order of Gimbals Green Apple Jelly Beans. Not only are they delicious and green-themed, but they're full of a delicious apple flavor that will make everyone want to come back for more. These Gimbals Green Apple Jelly Beans also make a great addition to springtime parties or any other green-themed events like Christmas.

SKU: 3025909

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