Fresh Strawberry Gummi Bears - 5lb

Fresh Strawberry Gummi Bears - 5lb
  • $16.99

Birds are chirping. The sun is shining. Fresh strawberries are ripening to red in the warm spring sun. Every time you take a bite out of one of these Fresh Strawberry Gummi Bears, you'll be filled with the feeling of springtime and it will warm your heart.These little red gummi bears are packed with the juicy and fruity flavor of a freshly picked strawberry and will make you want to come back for more. If you need a party favor that everyone will love, have a birthday celebration coming up, want to make a candy gift basket for a friend, or just need a new sweet to keep around the house, try these today!

Avoid melting. Free ice packs with expedited shipping. More info

SKU: 3000993

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