Watermelon Gummi Bears - 5lb

Watermelon Gummi Bears - 5lb
  • $17.99

Just when you think your favorite candy can't get any better, you taste these Watermelon Gummi Bears and realize it really can!These are the same soft and chewy gummies you can literally eat all day long and never get tired of, but in a sweet and refreshing watermelon flavor. Snack on these in the middle of winter, and you just might feel the warmth of the summer sun causing sweat to form on your brow.These Watermelon Gummi Bears may taste like a fresh, juicy melon, but they certainly are a lot more convenient to eat. Plus, you don't have to fuss with cutting a giant melon and picking out the seeds to enjoy the flavor of these candies. Watermelon Gummi Bears are about 1 inch, making them the perfect snack-size candy.Since they are pink, they are perfect for kids' birthday parties, baby and bridal showers, and even Easter baskets. You can fill a decorative bag with them to give to your Valentine, too. These gummies are gluten-free, fat-free, and only 10 calories each!

Avoid melting. Free ice packs with expedited shipping. More info

SKU: 3000816

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