Crush Pineapple Jelly Belly - 10lb Jelly Beans

  • $89.99
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Any fan of pineapple will fall in love with these sweet, delicious Crush Pineapple Jelly Belly jelly beans. When you bite into one of these chewy, fruity jelly beans, you'll think you're biting right into a piece of juicy pineapple! The bright yellow pineapple jelly beans have a rich, vibrant color so they look adorable when poured into a glass bowl or used to fill your child's Easter basket.These jelly beans are perfect for many different occasions and make a great party favor for weddings, anniversaries, baby showers, or bridal showers. They're also a sweet little snack to have on hand at summer picnics, barbecues, or family reunions. You can even garnish a special dessert such as pineapple upside down cake or a bowl of ice cream with these pretty pineapple jelly bellys to add an extra splash of color and taste.

SKU: ND-G52907

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